Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person has regular episodes of eating a lot of food(binge eating) during which they lose the control over their diet, and they start eating everything that they see. After that, the bulimic person starts feeling bad because he or she has eat a lot, and uses various forms, such as vomiting or using laxatives, to prevent weight gain. Bulimia also involves being preoccupied with weight and body shape, with severe and harsh self-judgment of personal appearance.
- Learn to recognize physical hunger.
- Stick to your treatment plan.
- Bulimiaren inguruan ikasi, zure buruari nola lagundu jakiteko.
- Ondo elikatzen saiatu
- Be cautious with exercise.
- Izan atsegina zure buruarekin. Eutsi maiz ispiluan begiratzea eragiten dizuten bulkadei.
This information on bulimia is based on information provided by Mayo Clinic Hospital Group and MedlinePlus, the U.S. National Library of Medicine, online.