We have made a questionnaire on Beasaingo Ikastola on second year of secondary school. The three questions we considered most significant were extracted, analysed and graphed. The information obtained from the questionnaire is presented below.
1. Graph: Do you agree with this sentece? "Boys don't suffer for eating disorders"
The question for this pie-chart was if boys suffer from eating disorders, and the students have answered that if they suffer or not in their opinion. According to the graph above, most people think that boys also suffer from eating disorders, with 95,2%. A few people have said that boys don’t suffer from eating disorders.
According to the answers, most students see boys and girls in an equalform. In eating disorders, for example, most known cases are of girls, and it is good to know that students know that boys also suffer from eating disorders.
2. Graph: Do you think you eat enough?
The second pie-chart shows us if our classmates think that they eat enough. We can see that most of the class, 76, 2% have answered that they think they eat enough. Some of the students, 14.3%, say that they don’t eat enough, and they eat only the necessary. Finally, not many of the classmates, a 9,5 %, have answered that they think that they eat a lot.
None of the students have said that they eat only what they think won't make them fat, or they don’t eat anything at all.
3. Grafikoa
The third pie-chart shows us how often does people eat fast food. Most of the people eats fast food only occasionally, with a 61,9% percent. The next are the ones that eat fast food once a week with 19% of the chart. Then a few of the classmates don’t eat fast food, with 14,3 %. Finally not many (the 4,8%) of the classmates eat this type of food only sometimes.
From the results, we can see that our classmates have a balanced diet because most of the pupils only eat fast food occasionally and this is a very positive answer.